Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Creating An Efficient PR Campaign
In working with high profile clientele,
regardless of industry whether it be sports,
music, general entertainment or options far
and in between, creating public awareness
is the foundation of their brand building.
When developing a PR campaign keep in
mind these following tips to ensure success.
Make sure that you clarify the goal of the campaign. Without doing this at the beginning, you run the risk of not being able to measure your results accurately.
To make your campaign memorable (even if only for a short amount of time), find a tag line that will stick in peoples' minds. Do not be subtle, use punctuation, and keep it short. A bold, to-the-point statement is easier for people to remember.
All campaigns are not created equally, nor are all campaigns directed towards the same target audience. Ensure that your message stays true to something of current interest and importance.
Campaigns that run too long weaken the results of your efforts. Choose an execution time for your campaign that is brief, but relevant to its subject in order to maximize results and reach goals.
Social media has gone viral in terms of communication. Choose at least two social media outlets to use as a platform for your campaign. By targeting more than one outlet, you ensure that none of your audience falls through the cracks.
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